General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs 2013: 9th March

General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs 2013: 9th March

Hello friends! Hope you are enjoying our new program to provide general knowledge and current affairs information. AllGovtJobs main aim is to provide best material to their readers so that they easily make their own way to success.

As we know GK and current affairs is an important parameter which decides whether the candidate is passed or failed the exam. Never take GK and current affairs part so easy. You need to do work hard for this section to score good marks. We all know in exam paper there are other parts also like English, aptitude, subject related, reasoning etc but to give exam on the basis of aptitude and English knowledge is wrong, GK is an important parameter.

AllGovtJobs want your success!!! Here are some current affairs and GK quiz questions, hope you find it advantageous.

1.      Which among the following has been appointed as new United States Defence Secretary?

a.       John McCain
b.      John Kerry
c.       Chuck Hagel
d.      Robert Gates

Answer: Chuck Hagel

2.      Which among the following department is responsible for the preparation & presentation of Union Budget to the Parliament?

a.       Department of Economic Affairs
b.      Department of Revenue
c.       Department of Expenditure
d.      Department of Financial Services

Answer:  Department of Economic Affairs

3.      Recently, who among the following Indian-origin writer has won the inaugural Bristish Physics Journalism Prize?

a.       Anita Sengupta
b.      Ashwin Vasavda
c.       Jitendra Mehta
d.      Anil Ananthaswamy

Answer: Anil Ananthaswamy

4.      Medellin, which is named as the World’s most innovative city is located in -----?

a.       Canada
b.      Colombia
c.       Brazil
d.      Mexico

Answer: Colombia

5.      Which among the following countries is set to launch first solid fuel rocket by 2016?

a.       US
b.      China
c.       Japan
d.      Russia

Answer: China

6.      Babli project, which is recently making in news is present in -----?

a.       Andhra Pradesh
b.      Madhya Pradesh
c.       Karnataka
d.      Maharashtra

Answer: Maharashtra

7.      The Sampriti III is the Joint Special Forces Exercise of India and ------?

a.       Nepal
b.      Bhutan
c.       Sri Lanka
d.      Bangladesh

Answer: Bangladesh

8.      The Spratly Islands, which are under dispute are located in -------?

a.       East China Sea
b.      South China Sea
c.       Sea of Japan
d.      North Pacific ocean

Answer: South China Sea

9.      Who among the following has created history by becoming the first Indian on a solo non-stop trip across the world in a sail boat?

a.       Vamsi Krishna
b.      Anurag Kumar
c.       Abhilash Tomy
d.      Ankit Yadav

Answer: Abhilash Tomy

10.  Which among the following States has the highest decadal (2001-2011) growth rate of population?

a.       Gujarat
b.      Haryana
c.       Kerala
d.      Bihar

Answer: Bihar

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