General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs 2013- 27th March

General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs 2013- 27th March

Hello friends! Hope you are enjoying our new program to provide general knowledge and current affairs information. AllGovtJobs main aim is to provide best material to their readers so that they easily make their own way to success.

1.      Project Glass in a R&D program by which among the following companies to prototype and build augmented reality glasses or an augmented reality head mounted display (HMD)?

a.       Google
b.      Microsoft
c.       Samsung Electronics
d.      Research in Motion Limited

Answer: Google

2.      The famous quote “Finance is the brain of the economy” was given by ----:

a.       Joseph Stiglitz
b.      Nicholas Stern
c.       Michael Bruno
d.      Kaushik Basu

Answer: Joseph Stiglitz

3.      Who among the following has recently won the first Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering?

a.       Sergey Brin
b.      Bill Gates
c.       Larry Page
d.      Tim Berners- Lee

Answer: Tim Berners- Lee

4.      Which among the following day is observed as the World Water Day?

a.       12thMarch
b.      16thMarch
c.       21stMarch
d.      22ndMarch

Answer: 22nd March

5.      The RBI has recently issued guidelines for new bank license. As per these guidelines, what is the minimum paid-up capital for setting up a bank?

a.       Rs 500 crore
b.      Rs 800 crore
c.       Rs 1000 crore
d.      Rs 1200 crore

Answer: Rs 500 crore

6.      Who among the following is considered as the father of African literature?

a.       Wole Soyinka
b.      Chinua Achebe
c.       Pete Edochie
d.      Elechi Amadi

Answer: Chinua Achebe

7.      Zillur Rahman, who recently passed away was a president of ------?

a.       Malaysia
b.      Indonesia
c.       Bangladesh
d.      Yemen

Answer: Bangladesh

8.      Which among the following is the author of the book titled, ‘Gandhi before India’?

a.       Gurucharan Das
b.      Ramchandra Guha
c.       Khushwant Singh
d.      Arn Shourie

Answer: Ramchandra Guha

9.      Which among the following countries is not a part of the Southern African Custom Union (SACU)?

a.       Botswana
b.      Angola
c.       Namibia
d.      Swaziland

Answer: Angola

10.  The Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI) was launched by the ------?

a.       UK
b.      US
c.       France
d.      Russia

Answer: US

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