General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs 2013- 23rd March

General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs 2013- 23rd March

We all know that what is the value of GK and currents affairs in exam point of view especially when you’re preparing for government exam because if you are applying for specific post, organization surely want to check your knowledge about current thing happing in country and worldwide.  Watching news channel, reading newspaper, books, and mobile GK apps in today’s world is a simple method to update your knowledge. AllGovtJobs is just taking one step forward to help their reader in the field of general knowledge and current affairs. AllGovtJobs is wishing all the best to everyone for future.

AllGovtJobs want your success!!! Here are some current affairs and GK quiz questions, hope you find it advantageous.

1.      Which among the following day is celebrated as the National Girl Child Day every year?

a.       Jan 18
b.      Jan 20
c.       Jan 22
d.      Jan 24

Answer:  Jan 24

2.      The first airport in the country to use solar power for running its utility grid system is -----?

a.       Cochin International Airport
b.      Mumbai International Airport
c.       Hyderabad International Airport
d.      Bangalore International Airport

Answer: Cochin International Airport

3.      What is the name of the largest off shore patrol vessel launched by Indian Navy for the maritime surveillance around Andaman & Nicobar islands?

a.       INS Suraksha
b.      INS Cavalar
c.       INS Saryu
d.      INS Amino

Answer: INS Saryu

4.      Current chairman of the expert committee on HR Policy for e-Governance is----?

a.       Nandan Nilekani
b.      Sam Pitroda
c.       Anuj Kumar
d.      S. Gopala Krishna

Answer: Nandan Nilekani

5.      Furniture major IKEA, which recently got approval to set up retail stores in India belongs to ----?

a.       Germany
b.      Sweden
c.       Italy
d.      France

Answer: Sweden

6.      Third Arab Economic Summit 2013 was held in ------?

a.       Dubai
b.      Riyadh
c.       Muscat
d.      Kuwait City

Answer: Riyadh

7.      Comprehensive Annual and Total Checkup for Healthy (CATCH) is the scheme of -----?

a.       Sikkim
b.      Assam
c.       Odisha
d.      Gujarat

Answer: Sikkim

8.      World’s most advanced ground based observatory Thirty Metre Telescope (TMT) is coming up in ------?

a.       Hawaii
b.      Kenya
c.       Azores Island
d.      New Zealand

Answer: Hawaii

9.      World’s largest wind farm is being built by ----?

a.       China
b.      Japan
c.       France
d.      Germany

Answer: Japan

10.  “Mukhyamantri Yuva Swarojgar Yojna” to motivate youth to go for self employment, is scheme of------?

a.       UP
b.      Madhya Pradesh
c.       Bihar
d.      Rajasthan

Answer: Madhya Pradesh

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