General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affair 2013- 26th March

General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affair 2013- 26thMarch

We all know that what is the value of GK and currents affairs in exam point of view especially when you’re preparing for government exam because if you are applying for specific post, organization surely want to check your knowledge about current thing happing in country and worldwide.  Watching news channel, reading newspaper, books, and mobile GK apps in today’s world is a simple method to update your knowledge. AllGovtJobs is just taking one step forward to help their reader in the field of general knowledge and current affairs. AllGovtJobs is wishing all the best to everyone for future.

1.      In which of the following cities, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose laid the foundation of “India National Army”?

a.       Singapore
b.      Rangoon
c.       Tokoyo
d.      Taiwan

Answer: Singapore

2.      When did Muslim League first make its demand for a separate Muslim Nation of Pakistan?

a.       1906
b.      1935
c.       1930
d.      1940

Answer: 1940

3.      Among the following who was not the President of India?

a.       Zakir Hussain
b.      C. Rajagopalachari
c.       V.V. Giri
d.      N. Sanjeeva Reddy

Answer: C. Rahagopalachari

4.      Government has constituted a panel for suggesting de-control of sugar industry. This panel submitted its report in October 2012 under the Chairmanship of ----?

a.       Anand Sinha
b.      C. Rangarajan
c.       M. Rafeeq Ahmed
d.      Deepak Parekh

Answer: C. Rangarajan

5.      Kumbum is a monastery found in which of the following countries?

a.       India
b.      Thailand
c.       China
d.      Japan

Answer: China

6.      The Indian Institute of Toxicology Research reported that the water in and around the deserted Union Carbide plant is contaminated and not fit for consumption. Whrer is the Union Carbide plant located?

a.       Indore
b.      Raipur
c.       Jabalpur
d.      Bhopal

Answer: Bhopal

7.      Name the astronaut of Indian American origin who took over the command of International Space Station on Sept 2012?

a.       Rakesh Sharma
b.      Kalpana Chawla
c.       Sunita Williams
d.      Tessy Thomas

Answer: Sunita Williams

8.      World Trade Organization (WTO) has ranked India as the ----- largest player in the global service trade?

a.       5th
b.      4th
c.       7th
d.      6th

Answer: 7th

9.      A committee had been constituted to review taxation in IT sector under the Chairmanship of ------?

a.       Anita Kapoor
b.      N. Rangacharya
c.       Y.B. Reddy
d.      C. Rangarajan

Answer: N. Rangacharya

10.  Which Indian Bollywood actress was appointed as International Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nation programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)?

a.       Aishwariya Rai
b.      Katrina Kaif
c.       Kareena Kapoor
d.      Vidya Balan

Answer: Aishwariya Rai

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