General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs 2013- 29th March

General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs 2013- 29thMarch

Hello friends! Hope you are enjoying our new program to provide general knowledge and current affairs information. AllGovtJobs main aim is to provide best material to their readers so that they easily make their own way to success.

1.      “Shanti Prayas II” is the joint military exercise recently held between?

a.       India & Nepal
b.      Nepal & US
c.       Nepal & Bangladesh
d.      Bangladesh & US

Answer: Nepal & US

2.      Who among the following heads the ministerial panel formed recently to discuss impact of retail FDI & minimum support prices?

a.       Sharad Pawar
b.      Jairam Ramesh
c.       Srikant Kumar Jena
d.      K V Thomas

Answer: Sharad Pawar

3.      As per the first ever survey of slum households by the Census of India, which among the following city has the most no. of households in slum?

a.       Vishakhapatnam
b.      Coimbatore
c.       Patna
d.      Durgapur

Answer: Vishakhapatnam

4.      The International Day of Happiness is celebrated throughout the world on ----?

a.       12 March
b.      15 March
c.       18 March
d.      20 Marh

Answer: 20 March

5.      Recently, the commercial production of oil & gas has started in the Aishwariya Oil Field. These fields are located in ----?

a.       Andhra Pradesh
b.      West Bengal
c.       Rajasthan
d.      Maharashtra

Answer: Rajasthan

6.      The rebel alliance Seleka has been making news frequently in context with which among the following African Countries?

a.       Nigeria
b.      Zambia
c.       Central African Republic
d.      Angola

Answer: Central African Republic

7.      Recently, who among the following has became the head of an interim government in Nepal & tasked with steering the country towards elections by June?

a.       Ram Baran Yadav
b.      Khilraj Regmi
c.       Baburam Bhattarai
d.      Madhav Ghimire

Answer: Kilraj Regmi

8.      The spring festival of “Shigmo” is celebrated in ----?

a.       Kerala
b.      Goa
c.       Assam
d.      Sikkim

Answer: Goa

9.      Who among the following heads the Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission (FSLRC)?

a.       A.S. Anand
b.      B.N. Srikrishna
c.       Raghuram Ranjan
d.      C. Rangarajan

Answer: B.N. Srikrishna

10.  Among the BRICS nation, which among the following countries has better rank in Human Development Index (HDI)?

a.       Russia
b.      Brazil
c.       China
d.      India

Answer: Russia

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