General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs 2013- 1st March

General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs 2013- 1st March

As per Government Exam point of view General Knowledge and current affairs are two very important things which decide candidate’s selection for the specific post or department. We all know in exam paper there are other parts also like English, aptitude, subject related, reasoning etc but to give exam on the basis of aptitude and English knowledge is wrong, GK is an important parameter. Work hard to increase GK. Watching news channel, reading newspaper, books, and mobile GK apps in today’s world is a simple method to update your knowledge. AllGovtJobs is just taking one step forward to help their reader in the field of general knowledge and current affairs. AllGovtJobs is wishing all the best to everyone for future.

AllGovtJobs want your success!!! Here are some current affairs and GK quiz questions, hope you find it advantageous.

1.      With which among the following low cost airlines, Tata Group is making an attempt to enter the airline market in India?

a.       AirAsia
b.      Spirit Airlines
c.       Jetstar Hong Kong
d.      Singapore Airlines

Answer:  AirAsia

2.      The North Karanpura Super Thermal Power Plant, which was recently cleared by the Cabinet Committee on Investment, is located in which among the following states?

a.       Bihar
b.      Jharkhand
c.       Odisha
d.      Chhattisgarh

Answer: Jharkhand

3.      The concept of “Frames Club” with the motto is of “One farmers club in One Village” has been launched by -----?

a.       Ministry of Agriculture
b.      NABARD
c.       Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Ltd.
d.      State Bank of India

Answer:  NABRAD

4.      Chanderi sarees which are known for their pleasant colors and spectacular designs are from which among the following states?

a.       Gujarat
b.      Rajasthan
c.       Madhya Pradesh
d.      Haryana

Answer:  Madhya Pradesh

5.      As per the Census Data on ‘Female Headed Households’, what percentage of households in India are headed by women?

a.       5%
b.      11%
c.       18%
d.      22%

Answer:  11%

6.      Nilgiri tahr is the state animal of which among the following states?

a.       Tamil Nadu
b.      Karnataka
c.       Andhra Pradesh
d.      Maharashtra

Answer:  Tamil Nadu

7.      “Invest India”, a joint venture company b/w the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion and ------?

a.       ASSOCHAM
b.      FICCI
c.       RBI
d.      None of them

Answer:  FICCI

8.      The “Temi Tea” is a tea brand of which among the following states of India?

a.       Assam
b.      West Bengal
c.       Tamil Nadu
d.      Sikkim

Answer:  Sikkim

9.      Which among the following state is the only tin producing state in India?

a.       Madhya Pradesh
b.      Uttar Pradesh
c.       Chhattisgarh
d.      Jharkhand

Answer:  Chhattisgarh

10.  Which among the following Ports of the World is also known as the “Cruise Capital of the World”?

a.       Port of Busan
b.      Port of Miami
c.       Port of Nagaya
d.      Georgia Ports

Answer:  Ports of Miami

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