North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited Recruitment 2013 | Apply Online for Various Personnel Officer, Accounts Officer Trainee Posts
NEEPCL has Invite online application form for filling up the Personnel Officer, Accounts Officer Trainee vacancies.Eligible candidates can apply online on or before 09-12-2013. More details regarding educational qualifications, age limit, selection and application process are mentioned below…
NEEPCL Recruitment 2013 Vacancy Details -
Total No. of Posts -Various posts
1. Trainee Personnel Officer
2. Trainee Accounts Officer
Age Limit - Candidates upper age limit should not exceed 30 Years As On 01/12/2013. Age relaxations will be applicable as per the rules.
Educational Qualification - Candidates should have done CA, ICWA, MBA/PGDM or its equivalent qualification from a recognized university.
Selection Process - Candidates will be selected based on Written-test .
Pay Scale - Rs.20600-46500 .
How To Apply -All Eligible and Interested Candidates send the duly filled & signed application form enclosing all academic, professional qualification certificates/testimonial/marksheets, Caste certificate (in case of OBC, non-creamy layer certificate), PwD Certificate,Experience certificate, etc or any other relevant documents. The envelope should be superscribed with Advertisement Number, Post applied forwith code in Block Letters and should be sent by ordinary post only to “Post Box No. 89 at GPO, Shillong793001 (Meghalaya)” and should reach on or before 09th December,2013. .
Important Date - Last Date for Receiving of Application :
09-12-2013 .
09-12-2013 .