NMDC Recruitment 2013 | Apply Online for 90Maintenance Assistant (Trainee) Posts
NMDC has Invite online application form for filling up the Maintenance Assistant (Trainee) vacancies.Eligible candidates can apply online on or before 22-11-2013. More details regarding educational qualifications, age limit, selection and application process are mentioned below…
NMDC Recruitment 2013 Vacancy Details -
Total No. of Posts -
90(ST- 29, SC- 10, OBC- 05, UR- 46) posts
90(ST- 29, SC- 10, OBC- 05, UR- 46) posts
Maintenance Assistant (Trainee) posts
Age Limit - Candidates upper age limit should not exceed 30 Years As On 30-11-2013. Age relaxations will be applicable as per the rules.
Educational Qualification - Candidates should have done Certificate Course (ITI) or its equivalent qualification from a recognized university.
Selection Process - Candidates will be selected based on Written-test .
Pay Scale - Rs.8900-12400 .
How To Apply -All Eligible and Interested candidates can send application form with relevant testimonials to Dy.Manager (Personnel)R&P, Bailadila Iron ORE Mine, Kirandul Complex, Post. Kirandul, Dist. South Bastar Dantewada, (Chattisgarh), Pin-494556) on or before 22-11-2013- .
Address -Dy.Manager (Personnel)R&P,
Bailadila Iron ORE Mine,
Kirandul Complex,
Post. Kirandul,
Dist. South Bastar Dantewada,
(Chattisgarh), Pin-494556 .
Important Date - Last Date for Receiving of Application :22-11-2013 .