SSC FCI Results 2012 Of Assistant Grade III - FCI Result Grade 3rd
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has recently conducted SSC FCI (Food Corporation in india) Assistant Grade III Written Examination on 11 November, 2012 for filling the 6545 vacancies of Assistant Grade III post in FCI.
Lots of Candidates had appeared in SSC FCI Assistant grade III written Examination, and now they may be very escited to know the result of SSC FCI .
SSC will declare the SSC FCI Assistant Grade III Results 2012 on its official website very soon, i.e may be in last week of december, 2012.
Coming year may bring so many happiness for those candidates who qualified SSC FCI Assistant Grade Written Examination.
SSC FCI Assistant grade III Results 2012 will stop the eager waiting of those candidates who want to appoint as Assistant grade post very soon.
Guys, its our humble request kindly be with us, we will immediately provide you direct link to check the SSC FCI Assistant Grade Result on this website, so don't forget to visit on this page again.
Official website of SSC : wishing you Good Luck for your Better Results !!!