JEE MAIN Admit card 2013 Download - Call Letter
As we know that The CBSE has made an official announcement that the JEE (Main) will replace the AIEEE exam and JEE (Advanced) will replace the IIT-JEE from 2013.
IIT JEE MAIN 2013 Online registration is started from 08th November, 2012 and end up on 15th December, 2012.
Lots of candidates who have passion to crack the IIT JEE main 2013 and wanted to get admission for Undergraduate courses i.e B.Tech ofcourse in Best College start preapration for Craking IIT JEE online entrance examination and Offline exam.
IIT JEE will issue the IIT JEE Main 2013 Admit card on its official website vey soon, it may be from 1st week of march, 2013.
Date of IIT JEE Main 2013 Examination date :
JEE (Main) Exam 2013 offline : 7th April, 2013
JEE (Main) Exam 2013 Online : between 8th April, 2013 to 30th April, 2013.
As we know JEE Main Admit card will be sent to each candidates Address through Speed Post/Registered post but if by any reason candidates get its Admit card from Official website .
Date of issue of Admit card : 1st week of march, 2013.
Official website of JEE (Main) :
We wish All the Best to all upcoming Engineering Students.