TNPSC Group 2 Result 2012 - Check Results of group II CSSE
Friends , if You are looking for TNPSC Group 2 Result 2012 , then you are at right place , Don't go anywhere we have latest news that
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission(TNPSC) is decided to
announce the TNPSC group 2 (II) result 2012 on its official website very soon.
Only few months ago , TNPSC issued a recruitment notification for the 3631 Group 2 vacancies , after that many candidates had applied for this Post.
Then TNPSC scheduled to conduct the TNPSC Group 2 CSSE written Examination on 12 August , 2012.
Candidates who were appeared in this Exam , now they are very curious and feeling some what nervous to see the Result of TNPSC Gr. 2 results.
So , Candidates please keep patience only for two week , because
TNPSC Gr 2 result will definitely declared on 3rd week of October, 2012.
TNPSC group 2 Results declaration will decided who are getting selection for this post.
TNPSC group 2 (II) result publication date : 2nd week of October, 2012.
If any one have any problem then Candidates can directly contact on below number:
Fax number : +91-44-28297769
E-mail Id-,
Candidates are suggested to please visit again and again on this website, because we will immediately upload direct link to check the
result , so stay connected with
Official website of TNPSC :