Intelligence Bureau (IB) ACIO Results 2012 - Result
Friends As we know that Few Days ago , Intelligence Bureau invites Application for filling 750 vacancies 0f Asst Central Intelligence Officer (ACIO) post. which last date for online submission was 19th Aug, 2012.
After some Days, Intelligence Bureau (IB) , Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) conducted ACIO written Examination on 23rd september, 2012.
Many Candidates given ACIO Written Exam , After end of Exam ,
now they may be eagerly searching for ACIO results 2012.
So, Intelligence Bureau Decided to declare the ACIO Result 2012 on its official website very soon i.e around 2nd week of November,2012.
IB ACIO Results Date 2012 - 23th November 2012
ACIO Results will end up the eager waiting of the candidates
who want to see their result and want to appoint as Asst Central Intelligence
Candidates are infromed that will inform you immediately as soon as we get Any latest notification about result, and we will also provide the direct link on this website,
So, Candidate need not to go anywhere for checking the Result.
Expected date of ACIO results 2012 declaration : 23 November 2012
Click here for check IB ACIO Results 2012
As ACIO ResultS will declared, Then Candidates who will crossed
cutoff marks , then they will immediately call for Personal Interview. So , Be prepared for that.
Official website of IB : wishing you Good Luck for your Better Result and Interview.