JRF Scholarship 2014 Application UGC Fellowship Amount 2014

JRF Scholarship 2014 Application UGC Fellowship Amount 2014

University Grants Commission (UGC) has circulated notification as JRF SCHOLARSHIP 2014. Applicants who are looking for scholarship scheme must apply for JRF Scholarship 2014 by submitting their application as soon as possible. The main purpose of scholarship scheme is to provide an opportunity to candidates to undertake the advanced study and research in engineering. Candidates who are willing to grab this chance may apply for scholarship and fill the application form before the last date.

Name of Scheme : Junior Research Fellowship (JRF)

Eligibility criteria for the scheme : Willing candidates who are applying for this fellowship need to hold master degree in engineering / Technology / pharmacy with 55 % marks.
PHD Candidates need to hold an M.E. / M TECH.

Age Limit : Candidates should not be more than 40 years as on 1 July of the applied year of award.

Remuneration :

@ Rs 14,000/-P.M. for the initial two years
@ Rs 15,000/-for the remaining period
@Rs 12,000/ p.a. for the initial two years
@Rs  25,000/-p.a. for the remaining period
Departmental assistance
@ Rs 3,000/- p.a. per student to the host institute for providing ,infrastructure to the researcher
Escorts/Reader assistance
@ Rs 2,000/-p.m. in cases of physically handicapped and blind candidates
As per the rule of the concerned institution

How to apply for the scheme :

* Candidates are invited for the scheme once in a year through advertisement in leading news paper.

* Candidates will check further details regarding fellowship application by website www.ugc.ac.in.

* Willing candidates can fill their fellowships application through their college campus.

* Candidates should attach their essential qualification documents with application form and submit it to your college campus.

* Candidates will be selected on the basis of merit.

* Short listed candidates will be interviewed by an expert committee appointed by the commission.

Important Links :

Click Here to official Notification.

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