Indian Army Recruitment 2013 | Apply Online for Various Junior Commissioned Officer Posts
Indian Army has Invite online application form for filling up the Junior Commissioned Officer vacancies.Eligible candidates can apply online on or before 27-12-2013. More details regarding educational qualifications, age limit, selection and application process are mentioned below…
Indian Army Recruitment 2013 Vacancy Details -
Total No. of Posts -Various posts
1. Junior Commissioned Officer posts
Age Limit - Candidates upper age limit should not exceed must not be below 27 years or over 34 years for civilian candidates and between 25 years to 34 years for remustered candidates as on first day of Recruitment Rally. Age relaxations will be applicable as per the rules.
Educational Qualification - Candidates should have done Any Graduation Degree or its equivalent qualification from a recognized university.
Selection Process - Candidates will be selected based on Physical Standard, Medical Standard, Physical Fitness Test .
How To Apply -All Eligible and Interested candidates of all 07 districts (Anantapur, Chittoor, Guntur, Kadapa, Kurnool, Nellore & Prakasam) of Andhra Pradesh are required to submit their application as per format alongwith relevant documents to Army Recruiting Office (ARO), Pattabhipuram Post, Ravindranagar, Guntur (AP) - 522006 before 27th December 2013. The envelopes be marked on top as “APPLICATION FOR JCO (RT) COURSE NO 74, 75 and 76”. Three self addressed envelopes duly stamped with Rs 27/- to be enclosed.
Important Date - Last Date for Receiving of Application :
27-12-2013 .
27-12-2013 .