latest requirement notice has been issued from Council of Scientific & Industrial Research , for job seekers . This notification is vary helpful for job seeking candidates .
it is going to filling up 197 various posts vacancies . Eligible Candidates can apply before 16 may 2013. Our Expert Panel will provide all detailed information with complete details which are given below .
Total Number of vacancies : 197 posts .
Name of posts : Graduate Engineers jobs .
What is Eligibility Criteria .
Maximum Age Limit : Candidates maximum age should be below 28 years . Age Relaxation will be given as per government rules .
Educational Qualification : Candidates should have done with atleast 70 % . For more details candidates are advised to see the full notification .
pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 grade pay Rs.6600/- .
How to Apply : Candidates can apply from the official website , link . Apply to your post and keep safe your print out for future use .
Important Dates : Candidates can apply online form 18 april to 16 may 2013 .
* Click here to Download Full csir recruitment 2013 , Advertisment with details .
it is going to filling up 197 various posts vacancies . Eligible Candidates can apply before 16 may 2013. Our Expert Panel will provide all detailed information with complete details which are given below .
CSIR Graduate Engineer Recruitment 2013 , Jobs Notification , Apply Online .
Total Number of vacancies : 197 posts .
Name of posts : Graduate Engineers jobs .
What is Eligibility Criteria .
Maximum Age Limit : Candidates maximum age should be below 28 years . Age Relaxation will be given as per government rules .
Educational Qualification : Candidates should have done with atleast 70 % . For more details candidates are advised to see the full notification .
pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 grade pay Rs.6600/- .
How to Apply : Candidates can apply from the official website , link . Apply to your post and keep safe your print out for future use .
Important Dates : Candidates can apply online form 18 april to 16 may 2013 .
* Click here to Download Full csir recruitment 2013 , Advertisment with details .