NRHM Recruitment 2013 | Apply Online for 33 State Coordinators, Data Processing Assistant Posts
NRHM has Invite online application form for filling up the State Coordinators, Data Processing Assistant vacancies.Eligible candidates can apply online on or before 10-12-2013. More details regarding educational qualifications, age limit, selection and application process are mentioned below…
NRHM Recruitment 2013 Vacancy Details -
Total No. of Posts -33 posts
1. State Coordinator: 01 Post
2. Data Processing Assistants: 32 Posts posts
2. Data Processing Assistants: 32 Posts posts
Age Limit - Candidates upper age limit should not exceed 30 years as on 01-10-2013.Age relaxations will be applicable as per the rules.
Educational Qualification - Candidates should have done PG with Statistics/ Bio-Statistics/ Health Statistics/ Economics/ Mathematics/ Commerce/ Computer Science/ IT/ Social Science/ Sociology or Graduation in any branch of Engineering & good command over Hindi/ English and basic Computer knowledge in MS-Office, Open Office etc., for State Coordinators, Graduation degree from any recognized University, Diploma/ Certificates in Computers/ IT & typing on computer and good command over Hindi/ English for data Processing .
Selection Process - Candidates will be selected based on Interview .
How To Apply -All Eligible and Interested candidates may downlaod application through official website After filling the application, candidate must send hard copy of application along with two color passport size photographs, all the certificates/ mark sheets in support of essential and desirable qualifications, in the envelope should be super-scribed with name of the post applied for, self-addressed duly stamped envelope Address before or on 10th December 2013.
Address -Mission Directorate (NHM), Annex Building of SIH & FW, Nayapalli, Unit-8, Bhubaneswar-751 012, District-Khurda (Odisha) .
Important Date - Last Date for Receiving of Application :
10-12-2013 .
Address -Mission Directorate (NHM), Annex Building of SIH & FW, Nayapalli, Unit-8, Bhubaneswar-751 012, District-Khurda (Odisha) .
Important Date - Last Date for Receiving of Application :
10-12-2013 .