Visakhapatnam Port Trust Recruitment 2013 | Apply for Trade Apprentices vacancies

Visakhapatnam Port Trust Recruitment 2013 | Apply for Trade Apprentices vacancies

Visakhapatnam Port Trust, Mechanical & Electrical Department has invite application from Indian citizen for filling up 99 post of Trade Apprentice vacancies.Eligible & Interested Candidates Can apply via prescribed application format on or before 30-09-2013. more details are provided below like as number of vacancy ,age limit, education qualification,application fee ,how to apply etc.

Visakhapatnam Port Trust recruitment 2013 Vacancy details -

Total no. of vacancies - 99 posts

Name of the Posts - Trade Apprentice

Name of Trade - 

1. Welder - 17 posts
2. Electrician - 25 posts
3. Fitter - 30 posts
4. Mechanic (Motor Vehicle) - 15 posts
5. Machinist - 05 posts
6. Carpenter - 04 posts
7. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic - 01 post
8. Electronics Mechanic - 02 posts

Age Limit - Candidates should be minimum age of 14 years age as on 31-08-2013.

Educational Qualifications - Candidates should possess ITI (Welder, Electrician, Fitter, Mechanic, Machinist, Carpenter, air Conditioning  Mechanic, Electronic Mechanic) form recognized university or board.

Payment of Stipend to Apprentices - 

a) During the first year of training  - Rs. 1490/- per month. (as applicable)
b) During the second year of training -  Rs 1700/- per month. (as applicable)
c) During the third year of training  - Rs. 1970/- per month. (as applicable)

How to Apply - Eligible candidates filled in applications in the prescribed proforma with latest passport size photo along with necessary certificates duly attested by a Gazetted Officer shall be submitted to the Chief Mechanical Engineer, Visakhapatnam Port Trust, Visakhapatnam-530 035 either by post or in person on or before 30.09.2013 by 4.30 p.m

Important Date -

Last date for receipt of applications form - 30-09-2013.

Click Here to get view Official Notification.

Official website -

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