Ramanujan College Delhi Recruitment 2013 | Apply for 33 Assistant Professor posts
Ramanujan College (University of Delhi) Kalkaji, New Delhi Applications are Invited on the prescribed application forms for the permanent teaching posts of Assistant Professor in the following subjects. Eligible Candidates can apply via Prescribed application form on or before 17.09.2013. More details are provided below about age limit , educational qualification , selection process , how to apply etc
Ramanujan College Delhi Recruitment 2013 Vacancy Details -
Number of vacancies - 33 posts
Name of Post - Assistant Professor
Subjects -
1. Commerce - 10 posts
2. Computer Science - 02 posts
3. Economics -02 posts
4. English - 03 posts
5. Hindi - 02 posts
6. History - 02 posts
7. Maths - 03 posts
8. Political Science - 03 posts
9. Psychological Science - 02 posts
10. Statistics - 03 posts
11. Science and Life - 01 posts
Educational Qualification -
1. Good academic record with at least 55% marks (50% for candidates belonging to SC/ST Persons with Disability viz physically and visually disabled or those who passed their Master’s degree prior to 19.09.1991.
2. Candidates must have qualified the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the UGC/CSIR or a similar test accredited by the UGC (state level eligibility test-SLET/SET).
Application form -
1. General/OBC candidates need to pay fee of Rs.250/-.
2. SC/ST/PwD candidates need to pay fee of Ra.100/-.
Pay cale - Rs.15600- 39100 with Academic Grade Pay Rs. 6000/-.
How to apply - Eligible candidates prescribed application can be downloaded from this Institute website (www.ramanujancollege.ac.in) and complete in all respect with self attested copies of certificates, mark sheets, testimonials etc. along with a demand draft. Applications on the prescribed form must reach the Principal, Ramanujan College, Kalkaji, New Delhi – 110019 on or before 17.09.2013
Important date -
Last Date for submit Application form : 17-09-2013.
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