Oriental Bank Rural Development Trust Recruitment 2013 | apply for various posts

Oriental Bank Rural Development Trust Recruitment 2013 | apply for various posts

Oriental Bank Rural Development Trust (OBCRDT) has Invited application from filling up the posts of faculty, office assistant and Attender. Interested & eligible candidates can apply via prescribed application format on or before 20-09-2013. More details are provided below about age limit , educational qualification, selection process , how to apply etc .

OBCRDT recruitment 2013 vacancy details -

Number of vacancies - 03 posts

Name of posts -

1. Faculty - 01 post
2. Office assistant - 01 post
3. Attender - 01 post

Age limit - Candidates age should be between 18 years to 45 years as 30-06-2013. Age relaxation will be applicable as per govt rules.

Educational qualification - 

1. Candidates with post graduate degree in any of the following subjects: MA/M. Com/M.Sc /Master of Social Works or 
Preference shall be given to M.Sc/ B.Sc. in Agriculture & Allied subjects and Proficiency in MS Office and internet.

2. Candidates with degree in any of the following subjects: B.Com./BA/B.Sc. etc and Proficiency in MS Office and internet. 

3. Should be Matriculate. 

Selection process - Candidates selection will be made on their performance in interview. 

Pay Scale -

1. Faculty - Rs. 20000/- p.m. in lump sum
2. Office assistant - Rs. 10000/- p.m. in lump sum
3. Attender - Rs. 5000/- p.m. in lump sum

How to apply - Eligible Candidates application is to be sent by post/Regd. Post. Last date for receipt of application is 20.09.2013. No application shall be entertained beyond stipulated date. Incomplete application shall be rejected. The complete application in a closed envelope superscribing- “Application for the post of ___ for Rural Self Employment & Training Institute (RSETI)’ should reach at address mentioned below notification link.

Important Date -


Click here for recruitment notifcation & application form.

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