HAL Bangalore Recruitment 2013 | apply for assistant & Clerk posts
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) Education Committee, Bangalore has invite application from Indian citizen for filling up 11 vacancies of Various Posts. Eligible Candidates can apply via Prescribed application form before 17-09-2013 . More details are provided below about age limit , educational qualification , selection process , how to apply etc
HAL Bangalore recruitment 2013 Vacancy Details -
Total No. of Posts - 11 posts
Name of the Post -
1. Asst. Mistress (Higher Pry.) VI and VII Std : 02 Posts
2. Nursery Teacher : 03 Post
3. Asst. Mistress (Lower Pry.) : 03 Posts
4. II Divin.Clerk : 01 Post
5. Co-ordinator : 01 Post
6. Attender : 01 Post
Age Limit - Age as on 01.06.2013
a) 45 yrs & below for all posts.
b) Age relaxation upto 5 years for experienced candidates.
Educational Qualification -
1. Candidates should possess B.A (English & Social Studies), B.Sc (PCM) for S.No.1,
2. PUC with NTT or equivalent for S.No.2,
3. PUC, TCH / D.Ed for S.No.3,
4. B.Com with certificate course in Computer for S.No.4,
5. B.Com, MBA with knowledge of Computers for S.No.5,
6. SSLC Pass for S.No.8 with relevant experience.
Selection process - Eligible Candidates Selection will be based on interview.
Application Fee - Candidates are required to pay Fee of Rs. 100/- in the form DD in favour of Secretary, HAL Education Committee.
How to Apply - Eilgble Candidates may download the application form & apply along with copies of certificates in support of qualification, age proof & experience. The filled in application along with a Demand Draft for Rs.100/- drawn in favour of Secretary, HAL Education Committee and a recent passport size photograph should reach the office of Secretary, HAL Education
Committee, HAL Facilities Management Division, Vimanapura Post, HAL, Bangalore –560 017 on or before 17.09.2013.
Important Date -
Last Date for Submission of Applications form - 17-09-2013
Click here for Recruitment details & Application Form