Tamil Nadu Medical Services Assistant Surgeons Jobs April 2013 online Application
The Medical Services Recruitment Board (MRB) Under the Government of Tamil Nadu Invite online applications from indian
citizens for filling up Assistant surgeons vacancies . Eligible candidates can apply through online before 21 April 2013 . More information are provided below .
Tamil Nadu Medical Services Recruitment 2013 Details -
Total Number of Vacancies - 2159 Vacancies
Name Of Posts -
1. Assistant Surgeon (General) - 911 Posts
2. Assistant Surgeon (Speciality) - 1163 Posts
3. Assistant Surgeon (Dental - General) - 85 Posts
Eligibility Criteria :-
Age -
1. For SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs, and BCMs Candidates age should be minimum 18 years and no age limit .
2. For Other category candidates age should be between 18 years to 35 years .
Educational Qualification -
1. Assistant Surgeon (General) - Must have obtained the degree of MBBS or equivalent degree
2. Assistant Surgeon (Speciality) - The above qualification with Post Graduate Diploma / Post Graduate Degree in the concerned speciality /Super speciality
3. Assistant Surgeon - Dental (General & Speciality) - Must have obtained the degree / Post Graduate in
dental Surgery i.e BDS / MDS .
Application Form Fee -
1. SC / ST Candidates need to pay Rs. 350/- As Application form fee .
2. Other candidates need to pay Rs. 700/- As Application form fee .
Selection procedure - The selection will be made on the basis of the marks obtained by the candidates in the written examination, subject to the rule of reservation of appointments. Candidates who score minimum marks will alone be considered for selection.There will be no Oral Test for the post.
How To Apply -
a. Candidates are first required to log on to the MRB’s website www.mrb.tn.gov.in
b. Click the “On-Line Registration” icon on the home page.
c. Select the name of the post or service for which you wish to apply.
d. Please enter all the required particulars without skipping any field.
e. Candidates are required to upload their scanned images of photograph, and signature as per the specifications given in the Guidelines for Scanning, and upload photograph and signature. An
Important Dates -
Date of Notification 31.03.2013
Last date for submission of Applications (only
through Online Registration) 21.04.2013
Last date for payment of Fee through Indian Bank 23.04.2013 Date of Examination 12.05.2013
Important Links -
Open this link http://www.mrbexam.in/downloads/Instructiontocandidates_2013-Corrected-1.pdf for more details .
Open this link http://www.mrbexam.in/ for apply online .