General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs 2013- 6th March

General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs 2013- 6th March

Hello friends! Hope you are enjoying our new program to provide general knowledge and current affairs information. AllGovtJobs main aim is to provide best material to their readers so that they easily make their own way to success.

As we know GK and current affairs is an important parameter which decides whether the candidate is passed or failed the exam. Never take GK and current affairs part so easy. You need to do work hard for this section to score good marks. We all know in exam paper there are other parts also like English, aptitude, subject related, reasoning etc but to give exam on the basis of aptitude and English knowledge is wrong, GK is an important parameter.

AllGovtJobs want your success!!! Here are some current affairs and GK quiz questions, hope you find it advantageous.

1.      Which among the following is the first state in India to introduce e- court fee in all its district courts?

a.       Sikkim
b.      Delhi
c.       Manipur
d.      Mizoram

Answer:  Delhi

2.      The El Paraiso archaeological site, where a temple believed to be about 5, 000 years old has been recently discovered is in which among the following countries?

a.       Sri Lanka
b.      France
c.       Peru
d.      Indonesia

Answer: Peru

3.      One of the most critically endangered birds called Jerdon’s Courser is endemic to which among the following states of India?

a.       Gujarat
b.      Andhra Pradesh
c.       Karnataka
d.      Tami Nadu

Answer: Andhra Pradesh

4.      The National Center for Antarctica and Ocean research (NCAOR), which administers Indian Antarctic Program, is located at which among the following places?

a.       Banagalore
b.      Chennai
c.       Goa
d.      Tuticorin

Answer: Goa

5.      By passing the Right to Hearing act 2012, which among the following states have became the first to make legislation to ensure hearing to common man on grievance within a fortnight?

a.       Gujarat
b.      Rajasthan
c.       Bihar
d.      West Bengal

Answer: Rajasthan

6.      Which among the following has mapped nearly 90% of the Mar’s surface with a high resolution stereo camera?

a.       Mars Flyby
b.      Mars Express
c.       Project Deimos
d.      Energia Mars

Answer: Mars Express

7.      Which among the following is the India’s first indigenous weaponised helicopter?

a.       Aakash
b.      Rudra
c.       Astra
d.      Deepak

Answer:  Rudra

8.      Which among the following day is celebrated as the World Radio Day to raise awareness about the importance of radio?

a.       Feb 7
b.      Feb 9
c.       Feb 11
d.      Feb 13

Answer: Feb 13

9.      The Gram Nyayalaya scheme came into existence in which among the following years?

a.       2008
b.      2009
c.       2010
d.      2011

Answer: 2009

10.  The Saakshar Bharat programme aims to impart education to ------?

a.       Illiterate Adults
b.      Children
c.       Illiterate rural women
d.      Illiterate workers in unorganized sector

Answer: Illiterate Adults

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