General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs 2013- 22nd March

General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs 2013- 22nd March

Hello friends! Hope you are enjoying our new program to provide general knowledge and current affairs information. AllGovtJobs main aim is to provide best material to their readers so that they easily make their own way to success.

AllGovtJobs want your success!!! Here are some current affairs and GK quiz questions, hope you find it advantageous.

1.      Which among the following have bagged the Indira Gandhi award for the best debut film in recent National film awards?

a.       Chittagong and Dhag
b.      Dhag and 101 Chodiyangal
c.       Chittagong and Vicky Donor
d.      Chittagong and 101 Chodiyangal

Answer: Chittagong and 101 Chodiyangal

2.      The Leveson Report reviewed the general culture and ethics of the media in which among the following countries?

a.       US
b.      Britain
c.       France
d.      Russia

Answer: Britain

3.      Which among the following convention is an international treaty that defines a framework for diplomatic relations b/w independent countries?

a.       Nirobi Convention
b.      Vienna Convetion
c.       Paris Convention
d.      Bern Convention

Answer: Vienna Convention

4.      Which among the following States does not has the special category status under the Gadgil formula for sharing Plan assistance among states?

a.       Uttarakhand
b.      Odisha
c.       Himachel Pradesh
d.      Bihar

Answer: Bihar

5.      World consumer Rights Day is celebrated on -----?

a.       March 12
b.      March 15
c.       March 18
d.      March 20

Answer: March 15

6.      The 2012-13 Chameli Devi Jain Award for an Outstanding Woman Mediaperson has given to -----?

a.       Monalisa Changkija
b.      Vinita Deshmukh
c.       Alka Dhupkar
d.      Nirupama Subramanian

Answer: Alka Dhupkar

7.      Which among the following countries is not one among the world’s top four largest weapons exporter?

a.       Russia
b.      France
c.       Germany
d.      China

Answer: China

8.      Which among the following is the second male cloned buffalo calf in the world?

a.       Shresth
b.      Swaran
c.       Garima II
d.      Shresth II

Answer: Swaran

9.      The Central Mini Planning & Design Institute Ltd (CMPDI) is located in ------?

a.       Chennai
b.      Jaipur
c.       Ranchi
d.      Kolkata

Answer: Ranchi

10.  Who among the following has been chosen for this year’s prestigious Able Prize in Mathematics?

a.       Jean-Pierre Serre
b.      David Mumford
c.       Pierre Deligne
d.      Alexander Beilinson

Answer: Pierre Deligne

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