General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs 2013- 12th March

General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs 2013- 12th March

Hello Friends! Hope you are doing well.

You all know that AllGovtJobs has started new program that is to provide general knowledge & current affairs to our readers. Our aim to start this program is to help our reader to increase their GK and to clear government exams (Bank PO, CDS, CGLE and many more).

As we know GK and current affairs is an important parameter which decides whether the candidate is passed or failed the exam. Never take GK and current affairs part so easy. You need to do work hard for this section to score good marks. We all know in exam paper there are other parts also like English, aptitude, subject related, reasoning etc but to give exam on the basis of aptitude and English knowledge is wrong, GK is an important parameter.

AllGovtJobs want your success!!! Here are some current affairs and GK quiz questions, hope you find it advantageous.

1.       The Union Budget 2013-14 has pegged the fiscal deficit for the current year at ----?

a.       4.5 %
b.      5 %
c.       5.2 %
d.      5.6 %

Answer: 5.2 %

2.      Union Budget 2013-14 has proposed to levy a surcharge of 10 % on individual whose annual taxable incomes exceeds -----?

a.       50 lakhs
b.      75 lakhs
c.       1 crore
d.      2 crores

Answer:  1 crore

3.      International Court of Arbitration at the Hague has recently ruled in favor of India as Pakistan has objected the construction of a power project. The power project in question is----?

a.       Nimoo Bazgo Project
b.      Baglihar project
c.       Kishanganga Project
d.      Tulbul navigation project

Answer: Kishanganga Project

4.      What is the name of the new version of office software launched by the Microsoft?

a.       Office 8
b.      Office 2013
c.       Office 38
d.      Office 365

Answer: Office 365

5.      As per a recent government decision, one major port is to be developed in each of Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal. What is the current number of Major Ports in India?

a.       10
b.      12
c.       14
d.      15

Answer: 12

6.      World’s biggest wildlife summit was  held in which among the following countries recently?

a.       Seoul
b.      Bangkok
c.       Hanoi
d.      Colombo

Answer: Bangkok

7.      The location of the proposed National Institute of Sports Sciences and Medicine (NISSM) is ----?

a.       Chennai
b.      Kolkata
c.       New Delhi
d.      Hyderabad

Answer: New Delhi

8.      The government has recently merged some schemes out of the three schemes given below.

a.       Janashree Bima Yojana
b.      Aam Admi Bima Yojana
c.       Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana
Identify the set of these two schemes from the given options.
1.      1 & 2
2.      1 & 3
3.      2 & 3
4.      1, 2 & 3

Answer: 1& 2

9.      As per the recently released Government data, which among the following States has the highest percentage households availing of banking services?

a.       West Bengal
b.      Himachel Pradesh
c.       Gujarat
d.      Karnataka

Answer: Himachel Pradesh

10.  New START treaty is signed b/w which among the following countries?

a.       India & US
b.      US & China
c.       US & Russia
d.      India & Russia

Answer: US & Russia

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