General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs 2013- 11th March

General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs 2013- 11thMarch

As we know GK and current affairs is an important parameter which decides whether the candidate is passed or failed the exam. Never take GK and current affairs part so easy. You need to do work hard for this section to score good marks. We all know in exam paper there are other parts also like English, aptitude, subject related, reasoning etc but to give exam on the basis of aptitude and English knowledge is wrong, GK is an important parameter.

AllGovtJobs want your success!!! Here are some current affairs and GK quiz questions, hope you find it advantageous.

1.  Which among the following States has won the prestigious National e- Governance Gold Award for 2012-13, for its ‘Sparsh Abhiyan’ aimed towards the disabled & the aged?

a.       Odisha
b.      MP
c.       Maharashtra
d.      UP

Answer: MP

2. Which among the following countries has filed a challenge with the World Trade Organization (WTO) about India’s national solar programme restrictions?

a.       Germany
b.      US
c.       China
d.      Japan

Answer: US

3. Which among the following countries has successfully tested the nuclear- capable Hatf-IX tactical missile?

a.       Israel
b.      Iran
c.       Syria
d.      Pakistan

Answer: Pakistan

4. Who among the following heads the Cabinet committee on investment (CCI)?

a.       Prime Minister
b.      Finance Miniter
c.       Cabinet Secretary
d.      Head of the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)

Answer: Prime Minister

5. The Indian Coast Guard Ship (ICGS) Rajratan, which is recently commissioned is a --------?

a.       Fast Patrol Vessel
b.      Offshore Patrol Vessel
c.       Inshore Patrol Vessel
d.      Pollution Control Vessel

Answer: Inshore Patrol Vessel

6.   Recently, which among the following ministries has launched the “MyIndia Initiative”?

a.       Ministry of Human Resource Development
b.      Ministry of Commerce & Industry
c.       Ministry of Tourism
d.      Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

Answer: Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

7.  Pankaj Advani has become only the second Inidan cueist to qualify for the main draw of ----- Snooker Series?

a.       Welsh Open
b.      Scottish Open
c.       Shanghai Masters
d.      German Masters

Answer: Welsh Open

8. Recenlty, who among the following became youngest winner of a women’s European Tour golf event?

a.       Janet Anderson
b.      Kristi Albers
c.       Lydia Ko
d.      Rhona Adair

Answer: Lydia Ko

9. International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) executive board has recently recommended to exclude which among the following sports from the 2020 Games?

a.       Hockey
b.      Wrestling
c.       Boxing
d.      Kayaking

Answer: Wrestling

10. G7 plus which among the following countries make G8?

a.       Canada
b.      Russia
c.       France
d.      US

Answer: Russia

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