General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affair 2013- 14th March

General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affair 2013- 14th March

General Knowledge is an important parameter which decides that either candidates passed exam or failed. So make yourself ready to grasp the latest general knowledge and current affairs questions every day. This is the step taken by AllGovtJobs to provide its reader beneficial knowledge.

As we know GK and current affairs is an important parameter which decides whether the candidate is passed or failed the exam. Never take GK and current affairs part so easy. You need to do work hard for this section to score good marks.

AllGovtJobs want your success!!! Here are some current affairs and GK quiz questions, hope you find it advantageous.

1.   Who among the following is known as “Father of Pentium Chip”?

a.       Sugata Mitra
b.      Vinod Dham
c.       Ajit Balakrishna
d.      Ajay V. Bhatt

Answer: Vinod Dham

2. Who among the following is known as “The father of India’s communication revolution”?

a.       Nandan Nilekani
b.      Azim Premji
c.       Narayana Murthy
d.      Sam Pitroda

Answer: Sam Pitroda

3. Also sometimes known as ‘Father of fiber optics’, which among the following Indian personalities has been honoured by the Fortune magazine as one of the seven ‘Unsung Heroes’?

a.       Narinder Singh Kapany
b.      Krishna Bharat
c.       Sashi Reddi
d.      Vinod Khosla

Answer: Narinder Singh Kapany

4. Who among the following is appointed as the Mission Director for the ambitious Direct Benefits Transfer (DBT) scheme?

a.       Deepak Kumar
b.      Saurav Goel
c.       Sindhushree Khullar
d.      Akhil Batra

Answer: Sindhushree Khullar

5. Who among the following is the head of the 16 member committee set by the SEBI to suggest new rules for dealing with insider trading?

a.       Rajeev Luthra
b.      N K Sodhi
c.       Arundhati Bhattacharya
d.      Menaka Doshi

Answer: N K Sodhi

6. Hugo Chavez, who recently passed away was the President of -------?

a.       Colombia
b.      Argentina
c.       Venezuela
d.      Chile

Answer: Venezuela

7. Which among the following is the first India to receive Rs 25 lacs as carbon credits from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)?

a.       Dwarka composting plant
b.      Gurgaon compositing plant
c.       Faridabad compositing plant
d.      Okhla Composting plant

Answer: Okhla Composting plant

8. Who among the following will become the second president in Africa to be indicted by the ICC- after Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir?

a.       Raila Odinga
b.      George Saitoti
c.       Uhuru Kenyatta
d.      Joshua Sang

Answer: Uhuru Kenyatta

9. Recently, the President of Inida, Pranab Mukherjee has released the Commemorative Postage Stamp on Sahir Ludhianvi. Sahir Ludhianvi is well known ------?

a.       Urdu Poet
b.      Kannada Poet
c.       Tamil Poet
d.      Malayalam Poet

Answer: Urdu poet

10.Which among the following countries is the 1stlargest ‘spam spewing nation’ in world?

a.       US
b.      India
c.       China
d.      Russia

Answer: US

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