JSLPS Recruitment 2013 www.sids.co.in Online Application Form 2013

JSLPS Recruitment 2013 www.sids.co.in Online Application Form 2013

Jharkhand State Livelihoods Promotion Society (JSLPS), Rural Development Department, Ranchi, Jharkhand is inviting ONLINE application for the recruitment of 81 Indian nationals for various vacancies. Interested candidates can apply for the jobs before 4th March, 2013 and for more details read below.

JSLPS Recruitment 2013 Details -

Name of the Organization
Name Of Post
Various posts
Number of vacancies
81 Vacancies
Educational Qualification
Refer notification
30 years
Last Date for Application
4th March 2013

Educational Qualification:
·         Candidates kindly refer to the official notifications for the educational qualification required for various posts.

Post Name:
Openings at State Level :
1. Assistant Project Director / COO
2. SPM - Livelihoods-Farm  
3. SPM - Financial Inclusion  
4. SPM - Finance 
5. SPM - Social Mobilization & Institution Building  
6. SPM - Livelihoods-Non-Farm  
7. SPM -Monitoring & Evaluation 
8. PM - Social Development
9. PM- HRD
10. PM - Procurement
11. PM - Jobs & Skill Development
12. PM - MIS
13. PM - Media, Documentation& Communication

Programme Executives

1.  Livelihoods-Farm
2. Financial Inclusion
3.  Social Mobilization & Institution Building
4. Livelihoods-Non Farm
5. Job & Skill

Other State Level Vacancies

1. Training Manager
2. Data Administrator
3. Accounts Officer
4. Young Professionals

Openings at District Level

1. District Project Manager
2. Project Manager - Social Mobilization & Institution
3. Project Manager - Livelihoods
4. Project Manager - Finance
5. Training & Administrative Officer
6. Accounts Officer

Openings at Block Level (Numbers of vacancies are indicated against each post)
1. Block Programme Manager
2. Accounts Assistant

Age Details: Candidate should be aged 30 years old.

Selection process: Selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of Personal Interview.

Refer notification

Application Form Fee: No fees

How To Apply: Eligible and interested candidates are required to apply ONLINE from official website www.sids.co.in. In case candidates have any query regarding posts, they can contact directly here,
Jharkhand State Livelihoods Promotion Society (JSLPS)
3rd Floor, FFP Building
HEC, Dhurwa
Ranchi (Jharkhand) - 834004 
Contact No.: 0651- 2401782 - 83

Important Dates:

1. Opening Date for online Registration: 18thFeb, 2013
2. Closing Date for Online Registration:
4th March, 2013

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