General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affair- 28 Feb, 2013

General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affair- 28 Feb, 2013

We all know that what is the value of GK and currents affairs in exam point of view especially when you’re preparing for government exam because if you are applying for specific post, organization surely want to check your knowledge about current thing happing in country and worldwide.  Watching news channel, reading newspaper, books, and mobile GK apps in today’s world is a simple method to update your knowledge. AllGovtJobs is just taking one step forward to help their reader in the field of general knowledge and current affairs. AllGovtJobs is wishing all the best to everyone for future.

AllGovtJobs want your success!!! Here are some current affairs and GK quiz questions, hope you find it advantageous.

1.  Who among the following has bagged the best breakthrough sportsmen award at FICCI Sports Awards?

a.       Mary Kom
b.      Sushil Kumar
c.       Vijay Kumar
d.      Saina Nehwal

     Answer: Vijay Kumar

2.  India’s ONGG has set a new record by drilling a oil well to the deepest depth in the world till date. The oil well is located in --------?

a.       East coast of India
b.      West coast of India
c.       South China Sea
d.      East coast of Africa

Answer: East coast of India

3.       The upcoming space exploration project called “Clipper” will explore Europa, which is a moon of -----?

a.       Venus
b.      Mars
c.       Jupiter
d.      Saturn

Answer:  Jupiter

4.       Which among the following is conducting the first day and night exercise ‘Iron Fist’?

a.       Indian Army
b.      National Security Guard
c.       Indian Air Force
d.      Indian Navy

Answer:  Indian Air Force

5.       Who among the following is the head of the expert committee on streamlining Short-Term Co-operative Credit Structure in India?

a.       M. Ramakrishnayya
b.      P Kotaiah
c.       Prakash Bakshi
d.      R K Singh

Answer:  Prakash Bakshi

6.       Which among the following countries has not signed a civil nuclear agreement with India?

a.       South Korea
b.      United Kingdom
c.       Canada
d.      Mongolia

Answer:  United Kingdom

7.       Which among the following has the lowest maternal mortality ratio in India?

a.       Karnataka
b.      Tamil Nadu
c.       Kerala
d.      Manipur

Answer:  Tamil Nadu

8.       From which among the following countries, India has suspended jewelry imports?

a.       Vietnam
b.      United States
c.       Israel
d.      Thailand

Answer:  Thailand

9.       World’s first school to collect more than $ 1 billion in a single year in college fund raising is ------?

a.       Oxford University
b.      Michigan State University
c.       Harward University
d.      Stanford University

Answer: Stanford University

10.   Te Finmeccanica defence company, which was recently making news in context with bribery allegations is from ------?

a.       Germany
b.      France
c.       Italy
d.      Israel

Answer:  Italy

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