Expedia Recruitment 2013 for Freshers and Experienced-BA/BS Degree

Expedia Recruitment 2013 for Freshers and Experienced-BA/BS Degree

Expedia is an Internet based travel Website Company headquartered in Bellevue, WA, with localized sites for 22 countries. Expedia inviting online applications for the recruitment of fresher’s and experienced BA/BS candidates to join their company as Analyst. Interested candidates are required to apply for the post via ONLINE MODE.

All the details related to the post such as job location, role, desired profile and more are mentioned below. Candidates are requested to continue reading.

Company Name: Expedia Asia Pacific

Job Location: Gurgaon

Experienced Required: Fresher’s candidates

Job Role: Analyst

Qualification Required:

·        Candidates who are applying for the post should possess degree in BA/BS in the field of computer science, engineering.
·        Candidates should have project related, undergraduate or intern experience with B2B, Technology consulting.
·        Should have experience of organizing events.

Desired Profile:
·        Should be an avid internet user.
·        Should be able to pick technical concept quickly.
·        Should have excellent communication and written skills.
·        Able to work in team

How to apply: Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the post via ONLINE from the link given below.

To apply online: Click Here

Official website: www.expedia.com

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