Synopsys Inc Recruitment 2013 For Freshers Engineers - Opening - Jobs

Synopsys Inc Recruitment 2013 For Freshers Engineers - Opening - Jobs

Synopsys Inc. is inviting online applications for the Fresher’s of B.E/B.TECH, M.TECH as Technical Intern. Interested candidate can apply for the post; last date is not mentioned to apply. For further details read below:

Synopsys Inc. is one of the largest companies in the Electronic Design Automation industry. Synopsys' first and best-known product is Design Compiler, a logic-synthesis tool. Synopsys offers a wide range of other products used in the design of an application-specific integrated circuit.

Company Name: Synopsys Incorporation
Qualification Required: Candidate should possess degree in B.E/B.TECH, M.TECH.
Experience Required: Fresher’s Candidates
Job Location: Bangalore
Fresher Role: Technical Intern

Job Requirements:
·         Candidate should have knowledge of layout methodology
·         Knowledge of fundamentals of CMOS, Fabrication Methodology.

Candidate Desired Profile:
·         Should have working knowledge of basic design tools.
·         Maintain accurate and thorough. Documentation of work
·         Should be positive participant and active team member.
·         Should able to do project status report.

To apply Online: Click Here

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