www.ofvadmin.com Ordnanace Factory Varangaon Recruitment 2012-2013
Ordnanace Factory Varangaon Recently has issued a latest recruitment notification 2012-2013 for filling up 371 Tradesman Recruitment posts . Eligible candidates can apply through online mode within 21 days from date of notification publication . More details can see below in shortly .
Ordnanace Factory Number of Recruitment posts - 371 Posts
1. DBW: 194 posts
2. Boiler Attendant: 03 posts
3. Electroplater: 02 posts
4. Welder: 03 posts
5. Pipe Fitter: 05 posts
6. Fitter Electric: 23 posts
7. Grinder: 35 posts
8. Tool Maker: 02 posts
9. Millwright: 36 posts
10. Rigger: 07 posts
11. Tool Setter: 08 posts
12. Turner: 28 posts
13. Machinist: 25 posts
- What is Eligibility Criteria Of Ordnance Factory varangaon Recruitment 2012-2013 ?
Age Details - Candidates age should be below 25 years .
Note - Age relaxations will be extended as per govt rules .
Educational Qualification - Candidates should be passed NCVT in the relevant trade failing which by ITI Degree or Equivalent Diploma .
Selection process - Eligible candidates will be Selected on Written test and Document verification .
- How To Apply online through www.ofvadmin.com official website ?
Online Applications - Eligible & Interested Candidates can apply through online mode within 21 days from www.ofvadmin.com
official website .
Plese open this link http://www.ofvadmin.com/ for more details .
Official website - www.ofvadmin.com