PPSC Recruitment 2013 | www.punjabpsc.net | Online Application Form
Punjab Public Service Commission Recently has published a latest recruitment notification 2013 for filling up 25 various recruitment posts . Eligible candidates can apply through online mode before 11 January 2013 . More details can see below .
PPSC Number of Recruitment Posts - 25 Posts
I. Sub Divisional Engineer (Civil): 22
1. General: 12 posts
2. ESM/LDESM, Punjab: 01 post
3. SC, Punjab: 01 post
4. S. C. ESM/LDESM, Punjab: 01 post
5. S. C. Sports Person, Punjab: 01 post
6. B/M Sikh Punjab: 02 posts
7. B. C. Punjab: 03 posts
8. B. C. ESM/LDESM, Punjab: 01 post
II. Sub Divisional Engineer (Electrical): 03
1. General: 01 post
2. ESM/LDESM, Punjab: 01 post
3. B. C. Punjab: 01 post
Age Details - Candidates age should be between 18 years To 38 years as on 01 January 2012 .
Note - Age Relaxations will be extended as per punjab govt rules .
Educational Qualification - Candidates should have B.Tech Degree in Civil / Electrical Engineering from any recognized
university and also should Know Punjabi Language .
Selection procedure - Eligible Candidates will be Selected on Interview Performance base .
Application Form Fee -
1. Unreserved Category Candidates need to pay Rs. 500/- As Application form fee .
2. PWD Candidates need to pay Rs. 250/- .
3. SC / ST Category candidates need to pay Rs. 125/- .
How To Apply - Eligible Candidates can apply through online mode from PPSC Official website (www.punjabpsc.net) before
11 January 2013 .
Important Links -
1. View this link http://punjabpsc.net/SDEApplication/SDE_Instructions/General_Instructions.pdf for full advt details .
2. view this link http://punjabpsc.net/SDEApplication/SDE/post_db.aspx for apply online .
Important Dates -
1. Opening Date for Apply online - 21 December 2012
2. Closing Date for Apply online - 11 January 2013