How to Prepare for IAS Mains Examination - IAS Main Exam Preparation Tips
Section 1: Essay Paper
Essay paper in IAS examination is consist of total 200 marks and 3 hours of duration. Candidates who appear for the examination after clear their prelims can attempt the section in English language or in any of the Indian languages, those included 8th schedule of constitution. Essay paper consists of 4 parts such as:
1. Comprehension
2. Originality of thoughts
3. Transparency in expression
4. Integrated vision and thinking
What you can do while attempting this section? Here are the best tips are mentioned for successfully clear this part, follow carefully:
• Choose your topic for essay writing very carefully and stay focused
• Make yourselves logical and analyze what you are writing
• Try to make sub headings wherever it’s necessary
• Write in small paragraphs as it seems easy to read
• Give examples and fact’s wherever needed
• Do not make any spelling and grammar mistakes
• Don’t use figurative language
• Write precise and direct, no need to make long sentences
Section 2: Language Paper
Candidates who want to be IAS need to get good marks for high ranks. Marks obtained in this part will not count but it also decides the overall rank of the candidate, so take it easily. If you don’t get passing marks in this part so the answer sheet of other exam will not be check. The pattern of exam is based on Matriculation or equivalent. Two exams are there and each consist of 200 marks.
Part 1: English Language
• Comprehension passage
• Precise and direct writing
• Usage and Vocabulary
• Brief Essay
Part 2: Indian Languages
• Comprehension passage
• Precise and direct writing
• Usage and Vocabulary
• Brief Essay
• Translation of Indian language to English or vice-versa
Tips to remember:
• Always attempt those questions about those you are fully sure and score marks.
• Attempt lengthy question at last, try to do short questions first
• Comprehension is the part in which you can score maximum so do it carefully
• Don’t do any spelling or grammar mistakes
• Handwriting should be clear and neat
• Avoid figurative language
• Present your ideas/ views correctly/ clearly in any Indian language
• Before solving read each question carefully