how to improve spoken english ? | Skills

how to improve spoken english ? | Skills

English language is the official language used in all the corporations around the world. If you are thinking to do some great job or want best career for you, spoken English is the first step to forward for. Because in today’s world, in every organization no matter you are working in any field, it is important for you to be best in English language because organization needs to handle the international projects, clients and English is used as official language.

 And if you have good speaking skills, you will surely mix with any environment and can get opportunities easily. If you afraid to speak and your English is not so much good, just try once this tips and I am sure you will able to speak fluently if you follow the steps:

1. Start with reading good English Books

One of the best methods to improve English skills is reading. You just need to do that pick up any book may be stories, education related, magazines anything of your interest and start reading it just for 20 to 30 minutes a day. And after some time you will find that your English skills are improving.

2. Improve your Vocabulary

Whenever you do reading, make sure or make it habit that underline the difficult words or those words you find interesting and write them on some notebook, find their meaning and try to use these words in common sentences. 

3. Don’t Feel Shy to speak  English with your Family & Friends

It is said that “Do work of your interest and don’t feel harass or shy of anyone because you are doing well”. So don’t ever feel shy to speak English with friends and family. Even you are not able to speak long sentences, just speak short one in daily life because “journey of thousand miles begin with a single step”. One day you find that you are fluent in English.

4. Watch English Videos and Listen to English Songs

It is the nice one idea that, if you are learning something does the things related to that work because it will help you to increase your efficiency. Same happen with English language, more you will try to learn more you will get fluency. So try to make habit that you will watch or listen songs in English.

5. Speak English and learn from your mistakes

It’s never matter if you are speaking bad or wrong English but only this matter that you are working on your skills. So try to speak in English, so that the people standing in front of you will let you know your mistakes and you will able to improve it.

6. Do Not Use heavy words

Sometime people use heavy words to put their impression. But how you put impression on someone if he/she doesn’t know the meaning what the person is saying. It’s always better try to use small words which can easily understandable and even help you out in your speaking skills.

7. Try to convert Hindi news into English

People always find short cut for their mean for example if you are not comfortable with English, you will go for Hindi news paper. But if you try daily to write one small article from Hindi paper to English and get it checked by someone and he/she will tell you mistakes, so you will able to not repeat them in future. As well as this will increase your thinking power because you are trying to convert Hindi words to English, so it will improve your skills all around.

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