RTET Results 2012 - Result of Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test 09 September 2012
Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER) has conducted the Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test 2012 on 09 September, 2012.
Right Now, we have latest news that BSER will recently announce the RTET Result 2012 on its official website on around 2nd week of October, 2012.
RTET Result 2012 will ended the Eager wait of those candidates
who wish to appoint as third Grade Teacher .
RTET Result 2012 will declare for only those Candidates who
appeared in RTET written Exam, and was waiting for their result.
Candidates are informed that RTET Score Card will be valid upto 7 yrs and may be asked in upcoming RPSC third grade Exam merit list.
official website of RTET Result : www.rtetbser.org
Candidates are reuired to bring their Admit Card 2012 at the time
of Checking RTET Result 2012.
Candidates can get latest updates directly in their Mail Inbox by simply subscribing their mail address on this website.