KSOU Recruitment 2012 - Govt Faculty jobs
Karnataka State open University , Mysore Recently has issued a latest recruitment notification 2012 for filling up 48 Faculty
recruitment posts . Eligible Candidates can apply through prescribed application format before 15 November 2012 .
More Details can see below in shortly .
KSOU Number of Recruitment posts - 48 posts
1. Associate Professor – 05 Posts.
2. Assistant Professor – 42 Posts.
3. Librarian – 01 Post.
Educational Qualification - Candidates should have PG Degree , PHD in Relevant Disciplines And if You want more check more information then you can through
notification .
Application Form Fee -
1. The Application form Fee is 200/- And The Procession Fee is Rs. 600/- For Assistant professor Recruitment posts .
And If You are belong to SC & ST Category Then you need to pay Only 300/- As Application fee .
2. For Associate professor The Application form fee is Rs. 200/- + procession fee Rs. 1000/- And SC , ST Category Candidates need to
pay Rs. 500/- As Application Form Fee .
Note - Application Form Fee Can paid in form of DD Drwan in Favour of Finance officer , karnataka State Open University
Manasagangotri , mysore - 570006 payable at Mysore .
How To Apply - Eligible And Intrested candidates can apply via prescribed application format which application format
right now available on KSOU Official website (www.ksoumysore.edu.in) . After download you need to fill it with all required details
and after all send on given below Address before 15 November 2012 .
Address for Submit Application form -
the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Manasagangotri, Mysore-570006 (Karnataka State)
Please open this link http://www.ksoumysore.edu.in/ for more details .