www.ssaassam.gov.in SSA Assam Cluster Resource Centre Coordinator (CRCC) Recruitment 2012 - Apply online
Sarba Siksha Abhijan mission (SSA) Assam Recently Has issued a latest recruitment notification 2012 for Filling up 3211
Recruitment Posts of Cluster Resource Centre Coordinator (CRCC) . Eligible Candidates can apply via online mode
before 10 november 2012 . More Details you can see below in Shortly .
SSA Assam Number of Recruitment Posts - 3211 posts
Post Name - Cluster Resource Centre Co-ordinator (CRCC)
Age Details - Candidates age should have 45 Years .
Note - Age Relaxations will be Extended as Per indian govt rules .
Educational Qualification - Candidates Must be possess Graduation Degree From Any Recognized University . More Educational
Qualification Details are available in given below notification link .
How To Apply - Eligible Candidates can apply Via Online Mode through SSA Assam official website (www.ssaassam.gov.in) before
10 November 2012 . Please Follow Few Steps for Apply online .
1. The candidates are required to register themselves in the website by providing their email id and mobile no by clicking on the Register New Candidate link. The login information along with a password will be sent to the candidate in the given email id. The candidates will require the password for subsequently logging in as a registered user and filling up the online application form.
2. The candidates will then need to login by clicking on the Login For Registered Candidate link using the user ID and password mentioned in STEP 1. On successful login, the online application form will appear before the candidate.
3.The candidates should fill in the details in the On-Line Application at the appropriate places very carefully. The candidates are advised to view the online application form and verify all the details before final submission.
4. Now You click on submit Button . That's it Now you are done .
Please open this link http://www.ssaassam.gov.in/Advertisements_Vacancies.htm for more details and apply online