GNFC Recruitment 2012 Various Posts
Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers Company limited (GNFC) Recently has issued a latest recruitment notification 2012 For
Filling up 76 Various types recruitment posts . Eligible candidates may apply via Online mode within 10 days from 10 October 2012 . More details are given below in shortly About GNFC Recruitment 2012 Notification .
GNFC Number of recruitment posts - 76 Posts
1. Treasury Management Officer: 01 post
2. Deputy Marketing Manager (Import / Export): 01 post
3. Fire Marshal: 01 post
4. Fire Officer: 02 post
5. Asst. Operator: 20 posts
6. Asst. Operator – Chemical / Mechanical: 04 posts
7. Diploma Engineer Trainee (Chemical): 24 posts
8. Assistant Technician (Mechanical): 10 posts
9. Assistant Technician (Instrument): 08 posts
10. MEO-Loco: 03 posts
11. Rigger: 02 posts
Age Details -
1. Candidates age should be below 35 years for Dy Marketing Manager , MEO Loco , Rigger recruitment posts .
2. Candidates age should be 40 years for Fire Marsha Recruitment posts .
3.Candidates age must be 25 years for Diploma engineer recruitment posts .
4. Candidates age should be below 30 years for all remaining recruitment posts .
Educational Qualification - Candidates should have SSC , HSC , Diploma , B.E , B.Tech , CA in Relevant Discipline from Any
recognized university . If you want more details about educational qualification then you can check more details through given
below notification .
How To Apply - Eligible candidates can apply via online mode through GNFC Official website ( Befor 20 October
2012 .
Please open this link for more details and apply online