UPSC NDA 2 Results 2012 - Result of NDA II
Friends , as we know that UPSC NDA is a joint service academy
of the Indian Armed forces. Lots of candidates wanted to get selection in UPSC NDA written Exam, even thousands of candidates have appeared in this written exam, and now they may be looking for Result very curiously.
So , we have latest news that Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will announce the UPSC NDA 2 Result 2012 on its official website as soon as possible, our Expert Say that expected date is 3rd week of October, 2012.
UPSC Conduct NDA Examination 2 times in a year so that its name is NDA 2. UPSC Conducted NDA 2 written exam on 19th August, 2012.
Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of written Test and then Qualified candidates in the written test will be called for SSB and at last final selection will be done through merit list. So, Candidates should start preparation for SSB.
Candidates are requested to stay connected with to check the UPSC NDA 2 Result 2012 , because we will immediately upload .
NDA 2 Result 2012 - UPSC NDA II Results 2012 - NDA - UPSC
the direct link on this website as UPSC will declare the result on its official website.
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