Jharkhand Postal Circle Recruitment 2012 - Assistant Posts
Jharkhand Postal Circle has issued a latest recruitment notification for filling up 109 Postal And Sorting assistant recruitment posts before 01 Oct 2012 . More Details information of Jharkhand postal Circle is Given below .
Jharkhand Postal Circle Recruitment Posts - 109 Posts
1. Post Name - Postal Assistant - 85 Posts
2. Post Name - Sorting Assistant - 14 Posts
3. Post Name - Postal Assistant (MMS Ranchi) - 01 Post
4. Post Name - Postal Assistant (SBCO Jharkhand Circle) - 09 Posts
Educational Qualification - Candidates Should be passed 12th class with minimum 60% Marks with english as a compulsory sbuject .
Age Details - Candidate's Age should be between 18 years to 27 years as on 01-10-2012 .
Application Form Fee -
1. Reserved Category candidates need to pay Rs. 200/-
2. No Fee Required for Unreserved Category like as SC , ST , PH , And woman candidates .
Selection process - Eligible Candidates will be selected on Aptitude Test , Typing Test , Computer Test Base performance .
How To Apply -
Candidates who are want apply for given above recruitment posts may apply through following the simple steps so read all steps
carefully .
1. Candidates first you need to download application format from Jharkhand postal circle official website .
2. Dully filled with all mandatory detals . Affix photograph and left hand thumb impression and attest signature .
3. Along with payment receipt and relvant documents and after all send on given below adress .
Addresss for submit Application form -
Direct Recruitment Cell, New Jharkhand HO, New Jharkhand-1100010
Last date for submit application form - 01-10-2012 .
Please open this link for download application format and get full details - http://www.indiapost.gov.in/