HPCL Recruitment Graduate Engineer Through GATE 2013 - Apply online
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) has issued a recruitment notification for filling up the 250 Graduate Engineer post. Eligible Eligible Candidates may apply via Online Mode before 14th February, 2013. Other Detailed information of this recruitment is given below:
HPCL Recruitment 2012 vacancy details:
No.of vacancies: 250
Name of posts: Graduate Engineer
Age Details: Candidate's age should be between 18 yrs to 25 yrs. Age relaxations will be extended as per govt. details.
Educational Criteria: Candidates must possess Completed B.Tech in any
discipline from any recognized university.
Pay Scale: Rs. 33.000/- per month during training then Rs. 24,900 / to 50,500 per month.
Application Fee:
1. General and OBC candidates need to pay Rs. 200 + banking charge.
2. Reserved candidates are exempted from Application Fee.
How to Apply: Desired Candidates may apply via Online Mode from official website from 24th December, 2012.
Steps to Apply Online:-
1. Candidates first need to log on to www.gate.iitb.ac.in websites to start the Online process.
2. Candidates select "login now" button and then "New User Register" link if you are new user.
3. fill it with All the mandatory details, upload scanned photograph and signature at the required places.
4. At Last Click the "Submit" Button and take the print out of application form.
Opening Date to apply online: 24-12-2012
Closing Date to Apply Online: 14-02-12
For detailed info and apply online, please visit: http://jobs.hpcl.co.in/Recruit_New/Website%20detail%20AD.PDF
Official Site of HPCL recruitment 2012: www.hindustanpetroleum.com
we wish you All The Best