www.upsconline.nic.in UPSC Indian police service (IPS) Recruitment Exam 2012 Application form apply exam pattern

www.upsconline.nic.in indian police service recruitment notification : allgovtjobs march 2012

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will hold a Limited Competitive Examination from 20th of May, 2012 for the purpose of filling vacancies in the Indian Police Service (IPS) for the candidates who have completed 05 years of continuous and actual service as Deputy Superintendent of Police in States under State Police Service or Assistant Commandants in Central Para Military Forces (Central Reserve Police Service, Border Security Force, Indo Tibet Border Police, Central Industrial Security Force and Sashastra Seema Bal) or Officers of the Rank of Captain or Major or equivalent in the Armed Forces.

Exam Pattern -

1. Paper first - objective type questions - 2 hours duration and 200 marks

2. paper second - objective type questions - 2 hours duration and 200 marks

3. paper third - english descriptive type questions - 3 hours duration and 200 marks

4. Paper fourth - Essay - Descriptive type questions - Duration 3 hours and 200 marks

5. Paper fifth - General Studies - Duration 3 hours and 200 marks

6. Paper Six - Interview - 200 Marks

How can you apply for application form of ips exam 2012 - candidates must apply online by using official website of upsc www.upsconline.nic.in

Most Important Dates -

1. Opening Date for online submission application form - 1 april 2012

2. Closing Date for online hard copy - 19 april 2012

Open this link for get more details about this notification
- http://www.upsc.gov.in/exams/notifications/2012/ips/ips_eng.pdf

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