OIL India limited Recruitment Jobs For India Manager Executive Trainee
Total Jobs - 8
1. Post Name - Senior Manager
Total Vacancy - 1 Post
Salary - Rs. 43200 To 66000/- Per Month
Age - 44 Years
2. Post Name - Manager
Total Vacancy - 1
Salary - Rs. 36600 To 62000/- Per Month
Age - 39 Years
3. Post Name - Sr. Internal Audit
Total Vacancy - 2 Posts
Salary - Rs. 32900 To 58000/- Per Month
Age - 34 Years
4. Post Name - Sr. Research Scientist
Total Vacancy - 1 Post
Age - 34 Years
Salary - Rs. 32900 To 58000/- Per Month
5. Executive Trainee
Total Vacancy - 3 Posts
Age -34 Years
Salary - Rs. 25000/- Per Month
Open this link for know about selection process , how to apply , age , qualification and
more details - http://www.oil-india.com/Document/Career/Advertisement_for_recruitment_of_executives_in_direct_grades_and_ET-Geology_SC_candidates_only_25022012.pdf
more details - http://www.oil-india.com/Document/Career/Advertisement_for_recruitment_of_executives_in_direct_grades_and_ET-Geology_SC_candidates_only_25022012.pdf