Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Para Medical Staff Jobs 2012 - Total Vacancy 212

Jobs Details Of PARA Medical Staff Jobs in CRPF 2012

Total Jobs Vacancy: 212 Posts

1. Insp / Jr. Dietician – 03
2. SI / Staff Nurse – 40 + 24 (EXS)
3. ASI / Physiotherapist – 3 + 1 (EXS)
4. ASI / Pharmacist k- 38 + 10 (EXS)
5. ASI / ECG Tech – 01
6. ASI / OT Tech – 16 + 1 (EXS)
7. ASI / Dental Tech – 14 + 1 (EXS)

8. ASI / Lab Tech – 02
9. HC / Lab Asst. – 04
10. HC / Jr. X-ray Asst. – 01
11. HC / AC Plant Tech – 02
12. HC (Nurse / ANM) – 12 + 1 (EXS)
13. HC / Paramedic – 8 + 1 (EXS)
14. HC / Steward – 17 + 1 (EXS)
15. CT / Cook – 07
16. CT / Masalchi – 2 + 2 (EXS)

Offical Website - www.crpf.nic.in

Note: Pay Scales, Qualifications and Age Limits of above motioned posts can be seen in the detailed Advertisement, for which a link has been palace at the bottom

Physical Standard:

Male: Height – 170 cms, Chest – 80 + 5 cms, (162.2 cms for all candidates belonging ST)

Female: Heght – 157 cms (150 cms for all candidates belonging ST)

Chest (Male): 80+ 5 cms (76 + 5 for all candidates belonging ST)

Height for those candidates falling the categories: Gorkhas, Kumaonis, Garhwalis, Dogras, Marathas: 165 cms (Male), 155 cms (Female)

Weight: Proportionate to height and age as per medical standards

Eight Sight: 6/6 and 6/9 without wearing any glasses

Physical Efficiency Test:

Race: 1 mile in 7.5 Minutes (Male), 800 Mtrs in 6 Minutes (Female)

Long Jump: 10 feet (Male), 6 Feet (Female)

High Jump: 3 fee for Male, 2.5 Feet for Female

Application Fees: Candidates are required to pay of Rs.50 in the shape of Indian Postal Order (IPO) in the name concerned IG (Medical) / Medical Superintendent, Composite Hospital of CRPF, Payable at Concerned Cities which has been mentioned in the detailed advertisement

How to apply: Candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria for the post of Para medical Staff in CRPF may apply in prescribed application format and send their application to “IG (Medical) / Medical Superintendent, Composite Hospital, CRPF Group Centre Campus” at the following address respectively
1. Jharoda Kalan New Delhi – 72
2. Hyderabad, AP – 500005
3. PO: Amerigog, Guwahati, Assam
Duly complete application must reach at the above address by the last date 20/03/2012. Cover of the application must be super scribed with the words “application for the post of…”

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