Recruitment Details Of Mech Engineer And Officer Jan 2012
1. Personal Officer (HR Cell) - 02
2. Mechanical Engineer ( 108,MMU/MMV CELL) - 01
3. Law Officer (HR And Projects )- 01
4. Accountant (Projects)- 01
Salary - Selected candidates applying for any one of the post will be paid as per dop rates for retired persons.
2. Mechanical Engineer ( 108,MMU/MMV CELL) - 01
3. Law Officer (HR And Projects )- 01
4. Accountant (Projects)- 01
Salary - Selected candidates applying for any one of the post will be paid as per dop rates for retired persons.
Interview Schedule -
Persnnel Officer at 11 am
Mech Engineer at 01 pm
Law Officer at 2.30 pm
accountant at 3.30 pm
Venure Of Interview - A walk in interview organized by rajasthan state
health society (NRHM) Will be held at " Room No. 214 A Blck , Swasthya Bhawan
Tilak Nagar , Jaipur on 1 Feb 2012