Kolkata police recruitment for lady constables ,constables jobs
1- Constable Jobs - 2500
2- Lady Constable Jobs - 50
Salary - Rs 5400 To 25200+ Rs. 2600 Grade Pay (PB-2)
Age Limit - Age of the candidtes for post of constable , lady constable should not be more than 27 years and less than 18 years as on 1 jan 2012 . relaxation in upper age limit for SC/ST candidates is 5 years and for OBC Candidates is 3 years.
1- Constable Jobs - 2500
2- Lady Constable Jobs - 50
Salary - Rs 5400 To 25200+ Rs. 2600 Grade Pay (PB-2)
Age Limit - Age of the candidtes for post of constable , lady constable should not be more than 27 years and less than 18 years as on 1 jan 2012 . relaxation in upper age limit for SC/ST candidates is 5 years and for OBC Candidates is 3 years.
Education Qualification - Class 10th Passed From W.B.B.SE Or Any Equivalent Qualifications.
Physical Standard -
Constable - Height - 167 cm , Chest - 78+5 cm
Lady Constable - Height - 160 cm
Weight For Constable and lady Constable posts should be according to their and age.
Application Fees - Candidates are required to apy oF Rs. 150 as Demand Draft or postal order in Favour Of Kolkata Police Recruitment Board . Payable at kolkata.
How To Apply - Candidates who fullfill all the eligibility criteria for the post of constable in kolkata police may apply in prescribed application form which is avalable at the website of koklata www.kolkatapolice.gov.in
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