Jobs Details of Sciemtist Recruitment in Central board research institute
Application Fee : Rs.100/- (SC/ST/ PWD and Regular employees of CSIR are exempted) in the form of Demand Draft in favour of Director, CRRI payable at State Bank of India, CRRI, New Delhi.
How to Apply for this job : Apply Online at CRRI website from 07/01/2012 to 06/02/2012. Take a print out of the system generated application and hard copy of the Online Application Form duly signed and completed in all respects with the following documents should reach the Controller of Administration, Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi - 110025 in a closed cover super subscribing “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF______________ POST CODE___________ADVT. NO.___________, on or before 15/02/2012.
Adress :- Central Road Research Institute (CRRI)
(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR))
Delhi Mathura Raod, P.O. CRRI, New Delhi - 110001
(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR))
Delhi Mathura Raod, P.O. CRRI, New Delhi - 110001
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