Trainee Jobs in TNPL Nov-2011

tnpl Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Paper Limited (TNPL)
67, Mount Road, Guindy, Chennai -600032

TNPL, a renowned bagasse based eco-friendly Paper Manufacturing Company having a turnover of About Rs.1000 Crore is looking for :

  1. Graduate Engineer Trainee (Chemical) :  21 posts, Stipend : Rs.14400/- per month for 1st years, Rs.16200/- for second year
  2. Graduate Engineer Trainee (Civil) :  03 posts, Stipend : Rs.14400/- per month for 1st years, Rs.16200/- for second year
  3. Graduate Engineer Trainee (Environment) :  02 posts, Stipend : Rs.14400/- per month for 1st years, Rs.16200/- for second year
  4. Graduate Engineer Trainee (Electrical) :  01 post, Stipend : Rs.14400/- per month for 1st years, Rs.16200/- for second year
  5. Assistant Field Officer Trainee (Plantation) :  02 posts, Stipend : Rs.13200/- per month for 1st years, Rs.15000/- for second year
  6. Assistant Field Officer Trainee (Forestry) :  02 posts, Stipend : Rs.13200/- per month for 1st years, Rs.15000/- for second year
  7. Assistant Officer Trainee (Purchase) :  03 posts, Stipend : Rs.13200/- per month for 1st years, Rs.15000/- for second year
  8. Assistant Officer Trainee (Stores) :  03 posts, Stipend : Rs.13200/- per month for 1st years, Rs.15000/- for second year
How to Apply : Interested candidates may apply in strict confidence superscribing the name of the post within 15 days (upto 23/11/2011)  from the date of release of this advertisement to (published on 09/11/2011 :

Deputy General Manager (HR), Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Paper Limited (TNPL), Kagithapuram –  639136, Karur District, Tamil Nadu

For detailed information, please visit

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