Clerk,Halwai-cum-cook And Assistant Jobs in Delhi High Court Nov-2011

Clerk,Halwai-cum-cook ,Assistant Halwai-cum-cook,  Jobs & Vacancy in Others at  Delhi High Court , Delhi Nov 2011

1. Clerk :  02
Qualifications / Experience : Matriculate or equivalent with one year’s experience in the Government Department
2. Halwai-cum-cook : 01
Qualifications / Experience : 8th standard pass with two years experience in the Government Department
3. Assistant Halwai-cum-cook :  01
Qualifications / Experience : 8th standard pass with one years experience plus trade test for direct recruits.

4. Bearer : 01
Qualifications / Experience : 8th standard pass with six months experience
5. Wash boy : 02
How to apply : Applications giving the necessary particulars i.e.
(1) Name of the candidate
(2) Father’s Name
(3) Postal Address for correspondence with telephone number, if any,
(4) Permanent address
(5) Date of Birth (as recorded in the Birth Certificate issued by the competent authority/matriculation certificate)
(6) Age as on 1.12.2011
(7) Educational and Technical Qualification,
(8) Details containing particulars of service with Offices served, if any,
(9) Whether member of Scheduled Castel Schedules Tribes/ Other Backward Classes with two recent passport size photographs duly attested by a Gazetted Officer alongwith attested copies of testimonials should be sent by Registered A.D. post with the words “Application for the post of (name of post to be indicated ) in the DHC departmental canteen” superimposed on the envelope addressed to the
1. Deputy Registrar (Canteen), Delhi High Court, Shershah Road, New Delhi, so as to reach this office Incomplete/unsigned applications and applications received after the due date, shall be rejected summarily and no enquiry or communication Will be entertained in this regard.
General Instructions:
1. Appeals/Revisions or Petitions arising from one common judgment/order will be considered as one case.
2. When misc. applications are filed in a case, including transfer petition only drafting and typing charges will be payable and no separate fee will be payable.
3. When counsel is changed during the pendency of the case fee will payable as per the stage fixed hereinabove.
4. Fees payable in any case not covered in the schedule specifically shall be at the discretion of the Court/Judge, whose decision shall be final.
5. In the event of any doubt or difference of opinion regarding the honorarium payable, the decision of the Court/Judge shall be final and binding.
6. The revised rates of the Fee/Honorarium shall be applicable from the date of approval. Cases already settled will not be re-opened.
Tentative Last Date: 20-11-2011
About the organization:
The High Court of Delhi was established on 31st October, 1966. Initially, the High Court of Judicature at Lahore, which was established by a Letters Patent dated 21st March, 1919, exercised jurisdiction over the then provinces of the Punjab and Delhi. This position continued till the Indian Independence Act, 1947 when the dominions of India and Pakistan were created. The High Courts (Punjab) Order, 1947 established a new High Court for the territory of what was then called the East Punjab with effect from 15th August, 1947. The India (Adaptation of Existing Indian Laws) Order, 1947 provided that any reference in an existing Indian law to the High Court of Judicature at Lahore, be replaced by a reference to the High Court of East Punjab. The High Court of East Punjab started functioning from Shimla in a building called “Peterhoff”. This building burnt down in January, 1981. When the Secretariat of the Punjab Government shifted to Chandigarh in 1954-55, the High Court also shifted to Chandigarh. The High Court of Punjab, as it is later came to be called, exercised jurisdiction over Delhi through a Circuit Bench which dealt with the cases pertaining to the Union Territory of Delhi and the Delhi Administration.
Address :
Delhi High Court
Shershah Road, New Delhi,
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